Why Do People Believe In Reincarnation?

Why Do People Believe In Reincarnation? I did not believe in reincarnation when I first heard about it. I wondered how people could believe such a thing in a modern, scientific and industrialized era like this. The more I read on the subject, however, the more evidence I found. Now I believe in reincarnation and understand why people believe in Reincarnation, because the amount of evidence for it is very large, I would like to share with you that evidence and reasons.

Why Do People Believe In Reincarnation?

Firstly, for religious reasons. The early Christians believed in reincarnation and the original references to reincarnation were removed from the Bible. As St. Jerome said, “the transmigration of souls (reincarnation) has been taught for a long time among the early Christians as a traditional esoteric doctrine, which was given only to a small number of selected people.” This select group included some of the first Popes of the Church.

St. Gregory of Nyssa believed that “it is absolutely necessary that the soul be healed and purified; and if that did not occur during life on earth, it should be done in future lives.” St. Clement of Alexandria also supported this belief; but perhaps the person most associated with the principle of reincarnation, was his pupil, Origen.

Why do people believe in reincarnation
Why do people believe in reincarnation?

St. Gregory of Nyssa called him “the prince of Christian knowledge in the third century.” He was a Christian philosopher, who synthesized his biblical analysis and was the first to create a Christian Doctrine system.
And his system included the doctrine of reincarnation. In his book “On First Principles”, we find his expression of the belief in reincarnation and the law of karma:

Each soul comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life… Your actions in that world determine your place in this world (on earth) which must determine the next one…”

The Fifth Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in 553 A.D., more than a century and a half after his death, reportedly decided against Origen and declared the doctrine of pre-existence (and, consequently, of reincarnation) heretic. I say “reportedly” because there are some doubts whether Origen was actually convicted. Church historians of all ages remain divided on this issue.

Romans 9: 11-13 is key to understand why people believe in reincarnation, as it provides another good example of faith in the pre-existence, and reincarnation in the Bible. Although they were in the womb, God said; “As it is written, I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated”.
Since God said to have loved Jacob and hated Esau before they were born and before they could have done any good or bad thing in this life, this clearly indicates that they must have existed before, when they did something good or bad, and so they are loved or hated by God.
There are other Bible passages that indicate a belief in pre-existence and probably reincarnation. Most references to these doctrines were probably removed from the Bible.

Some believe that the Emperor Constantine removed all these references from the Bible at the Council of Nicaea, and that the only evidence is under the ashes of the Alexandrian library, which was burned down.

Why do people believe in reincarnation? Scientific evidence

Religious reincarnation evidence may be sufficient for those who are religious, but many do not believe in reincarnation or anything else, unless there is scientific proof, evidence of reincarnation. Perhaps the best attempt to scientifically prove the reality of reincarnation has been made by Dr. Ian Stevenson.

Dr. Stevenson was a psychiatrist and educator, former president of the School of Medicine of the University of Virginia. Dr. Stevenson’s efforts to prove the truth of reincarnation, led him to write “Twenty Cases of Reincarnation.” Full review on the book: Reincarnated People And Their Testimonies Put To Test

One case involved a boy of four years old, from Iran, who could remember his previous life. After discussing with the boy on his alleged past life, Dr Stevenson took him to the village where he said he had lived in his former life, to see if the boy’s account may or may not be true. The village was more than two hundred miles away and the boy had never been there, or knew of its existence by anyone. The boy said he had been married for this life, then Dr Stevenson conducted an experiment in which lined the old women of the village and asked the boy to which one he was married. The little boy went to one of the ladies and called her an affectionate nickname, secret, known only by the woman and her late husband. The boy also went to a man who had been his uncle in the previous life, and told him he had lent him money and that he never paid the debt.
The man confirmed that this was true and asked how the boy could know about it. Many other things, reported by the boy to Dr Stevenson proved to be true. Since the boy had no way of knowing about them in this life, he could have lived there in a previous life, that was the best explanation of how he knew these things.

Read also:  Transmigration Of Souls: Reincarnating Explained

Another case also involves a boy. It’s not one of Dr Stevenson’s cases, but also strongly suggests reincarnation as the best explanation for the phenomenon. In this case, the parents of an Israeli boy two years old, noted that his son started to say words they did not understand. In an attempt to find out what language the boy was talking, his father took him to a teacher of languages at the Israeli University. The teacher said the boy was using words that were used in the time of King David over 3,000 years ago! Since no one in this life had taught him these words, he had no way to know of them, unless he had lived in the time of King David when that language was spoken.

Why do people believe in reincarnation?
Why do people believe in reincarnation?

Under hypnosis, people have been able to speak fluent foreign languages, about which they know nothing when they are conscious. How is this possible? The most likely explanation is that in a past life, these people lived in the country where that language was spoken. Hypnosis can be used to obtain evidence of reincarnation. Through hypnotic regression (and through other means that are safe) one can be taken back in time.

Many people have had an experience of “deja vu”. A place you’ve never been before, is perceived as very familiar. For some the experience is so strong that can describe in detail a place before even seeing it. Why do people believe in reincarnation? Because reincarnation is the most plausible explanation for these experiences.

Read also: 5 Cases Of Reincarnation In The Twentieth Century

General Patton believed in reincarnation. He said that when he was in Sicily during World War II, he knew how the terrain there was because it reminded him of the time in which he was a Roman soldier. A deep interest in a historical period may indicate reincarnation. Why some people have an interest so intense in certain historical periods? For some of them, it is because they lived during those periods and what they experienced had a powerful effect on them, which still exerts influence on their lives.

Reincarnation can explain interests and vocational talents of a person. Mozart, for example, could write great music when he was five years old. He could do this because he had played piano and had composed music for many lives. He may have had hundreds of years of experience.

Mozart was not writing for the first time at 5 years old. Some might say that his genius was a gift from God. But why would God make a man a genius and no one else? Or a few? Is this fair? A talent for music, or any other talent, is a gift given by God, but it takes a long time (many lives) to develop this talent to the level of genius.

Whatever your vocational interest or ability, whether as a doctor, nurse, carpenter, farmer, soldier, musician, teacher, preacher, etc. – You probably developed this interest and ability in past lives.
My vocation is astrology. Where did I get this interest and ability? Common sense would say that it is the result of genetic and environmental influences. But no one I know has influenced on me – no family, friends or teachers – because no one I’ve met had any knowledge of, or interest in astrology or my other great interests, the Ascended Masters and their teachings.

Astrology, by itself, is an excellent argument for reincarnation. An astrologer, for example, can tell by looking at a birth chart, if the person has a lot of fear, anger or any other negative traits. God does not give fear, anger or any other negative trait to babies even if they are indicated on the maps built to the moment of birth. Where do these characteristics come from? They come from past lives. If an individual had a lot of fear or anger in a past life, he or she would bring this feature to this life. The reason why a baby’s birth chart can already indicate a unique personality and character with certain strengths and weaknesses, is because it was created by the individual in past lives.

Read also:  Reincarnated Souls Test: 8 Signs To Find Out If You Have Lived Before
Why do people believe in reincarnation?
Why do people believe in reincarnation?

Love at first sight can be explained by reincarnation. Why do some people have this experience? Perhaps because, although it is a first glance in this incarnation, it was not the first meeting. Two people meeting for the first time in this life may have known each other and developed a strong emotional connection over many lives. They may have been married to each other. They could be soulmates who know and love each other since their inception. When they meet for the first time in this incarnation, they can have deep feelings for one another, for their love developed over hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. Why do people believe in reincarnation? Soulmates suggest reincarnation. If reincarnation is not a reality, and we have only one life, why isn’t everyone with their soulmate, their other half? Why would we be with someone else? Millions of people are not married and very few of those who are married love each other the way soulmates do. Divorce statistics do not indicate relationships between soulmates.

Reincarnation helps us to understand why there are relationship problems and why it is extremely important to solve these problems. Married people, for example, may be having a karmic marriage. Those who have a karmic relationship, have karma with one another because they treated each other wrong in a past life. When that life ended, they still had problems in their relationship and strong negative feelings (eg, anger, hatred, resentment) among them. Death does not end with their problems. The Divine Law requires that they meet, probably in marriage to then solve their problems and learn to forgive and love one another unconditionally. Unfortunately, that’s not what happens to many people.

Instead of balancing the karma with each other and overcome their negative feelings towards the other, many create even worse problems. Many spend years together raising their negative feelings for each other and creating more and more karma, karma must be redeemed at some point in the future.

Divorce, though sometimes better, is not a solution because the divine law will require them to continue finding each other in future lives until they no longer have any negative thought or feeling against the other. If people knew that this is true, they would do all they could to solve their problems and eliminate all negative thoughts and feelings for each other.

Why do people believe in reincarnation?
Why do people believe in reincarnation?

God is perfect, then His justice has to be perfect. Although much of what happens to people does not seem right and proper. The doctrine of reincarnation and karma is the only explanation of why it is right, when there seems to be. Consider, for example, the injustices of birth. If reincarnation is not true and we had only one life to live, so the fairest thing to do would be to give everyone the same start. If there was only one life, then everyone should get an equal start and therefore fair. And for example, a child born of terrible parents in a horrible neighborhood and another child born with wonderful parents and a beautiful environment? A child is severely ill-treated by his parents, joins a gang in the ghetto where he lives and has a violent death still at a young age. The other child is loved, receives excellent education and is spiritually oriented. This child has a long, happy and productive life and experiences a huge personal growth. Are these two children given an equal chance to go to paradise if they have only one life to prove to themselves that they are worthy? How can one expect the mistreated child to get to heaven if they never received what they needed to get there? Why is a child was extremely badly treated and the other greatly loved?

The doctrine of reincarnation can provide the answer. Perhaps the child who has been greatly mistreated had mistreated their children in a previous life. In this life he had to experience the hell in which his children were, so that he could see, how they felt when he raised them.

Reincarnation is the most merciful system because it gives the abused child another chance, another life to receive the needed love, nutrition and education never received. And it gives the offender the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and change their attitude. Another injustice of birth, which explains reincarnation is the differences in physical health. Why is a child born healthy and strong and one with a physical limitation? If only we had one life, it would not be fair that everyone was born with the same health conditions? Why do some have to live a life with a physical or mental disability?

Reincarnation and Karma provide an answer to the question of why there are health inequalities at birth. Some are born with the disabilities that they caused to others in a previous life. Having the same disability, they learn how it was for the person who they caused the injury, and will not want to do it again.

Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. We reap what we sow (Galatians 6: 7). Not always, however, we reap what we sow, during the same life. Those who live by the sword, not always die by the sword in the same life in which they took the lives of others. When our karma (both positive and negative) does not return to us during the life in which it was created, it will return in a future life. This is why bad things happen to good people. When something tragic happens to people who do not seem to deserve it (as crippling injury or death) it may be the return of karma on them.
It seems unfair only because we do not see the karmic cause, what they have sown, or acted wrong in a past life.

Karma never intends to punish, but to educate. Socrates said, “The man must suffer to become wise.” Karma means we need to take full responsibility for anything that happens to us. We can not blame others or God. We can not say we never did anything to deserve it, it is unfair, incorrect. The “Law of Karma” shows us that there is no injustice anywhere in the universe.

Why do people believe in reincarnation?
Why do people believe in reincarnation?

If anything happens to us, as undeserved and unfair it may seem, it may be that the cause is the result of our actions in a past life. Sometimes people have more difficult lives than others, not because they are worse than the others, but because they chose to balance more karma than others. They may want to redeem more karma, balancing karma of many lifetimes in one life. It may also be that they suffer because, as Jesus and some of the great saints, they chose to help balance the karma of humanity. Or maybe the reason to be having these problems, as with Job, is because faith, patience, perseverance and strength, are being tested.

The doctrine of reincarnation and karma makes more sense than the belief system we have today. Jesus said “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)

If we want to go to heaven to be with our Father, we need to become as our Father is, perfect. If only we have one life, what happens to babies or anyone who dies in youth? They did not have the time needed to grow, mature and self-improve. Moreover, those who die before they become adults, not old enough to make adult decisions, and therefore are not old enough to be responsible for their actions, which would determine whether they would go to heaven or hell. Even those who reach maturity, do not have enough time to perfect. The human ego can never be perfect.

Life is a classroom. Each life is like a year, or a degree in school. Just as you do not expect a kindergarten student, or a five years old, learning everything you need to know to graduate in a college and get a PhD, you cannot expect anyone to learn everything they need in one life. If you do not believe in reincarnation, do not worry because you will have a new chance in his next incarnation.

Read also: History Of Reincarnation: The Ancient And Original Beliefs

This concludes our article answering the question Why do people believe in reincarnation? Share with your contacts if you found it interesting, and keep reading this website to learn more about reincarnation and life after death.

6 responses

  1. George Hutchinson Avatar
    George Hutchinson

    to some life is all and the thought of letting go is too painful. let go God created you just for the life you live now.

  2. Reincarnation, also called transmigration or metempsychosis, in religion and philosophy, rebirth of the aspect of an individual that persists after bodily death—whether it be consciousness, mind, the soul, or some other entity—in one or more successive existences.

  3. Dannyboy Avatar

    Mozart’s “talent” stems from his father being a pianist, Mozart would practice piano for hours everyday under the instruction of his father. You repeat an activity multiple times at a young age, you will be a master when your older. Also life’s not fair, genetics and environment explain why people are different.

  4. Great arceilt, thank you again for writing.

    1. How was Aziz live? He’s too funny in movies I bet hilarious live. Sounds like yo2&8#u17;re settling in well! Hope to see you at another event soon

    2. Debbie Joy Argosino Avatar
      Debbie Joy Argosino

      How do people remember about his or her past life if our memory is only in our physical body… So meaning you can’t say that the boy remember his past life…. If there’s really reincarnation and the boy even remember his past life in other body why is there a so called amnesia? Please explain about it