9/11 Reincarnation Stories: Children Who Claim Having Been at the WTC

911 Reincarnation Stories. It was a terrible day for humanity: There was fire, fear, and lots of pain on September 11, 2001, in New York City where an attack performed by radical groups killed thousands of people and still creates much controversy. But what if somehow these people who lost their lives there, were reincarnated? These days there are reports of children giving full details of what happened that September 11 at the World Trade Center, in a way only someone who was there would know. We’ve learned before about children remembering past lives. Are these children, reincarnated 9/11 victims?

9/11 Reincarnation Stories

9/11 Reincarnation stories
9/11 Reincarnation stories

The reincarnation of a firefighter who died on September 11

Rachel Nolan is a mother who claims her nearly 4-year-old son, Thomas, is the reincarnation of a deceased firefighter. The boy has been talking for one year about what happened that September 11 during the attacks at the World Trade Center. It all started when the child was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, to which he replied: “I don’t just want to be a firefighter, I have always been and already am a firefighter!”. This took everyone by surprise, but he went on to say: “I used to get up in the morning, go to work and in the evenings I would come home and take off my fire proximity suit.”

The mother thought that these were just children’s games, although she found the level of detail to be unsettling, for instance, he said he used an ax to check if there was fire behind walls and to flee if there was danger at the site, but something more shocking than this occurred when the boy saw a picture of the World Trade Center in a magazine and said, “The bad men burnt these buildings, and people had to jump and I couldn’t help”, “There were people waiting for firefighters, waiting for me but I could not get there to help them.”

Hearing all the details given by the boy, his mother concluded that someone had reincarnated in the body of her son so she asked him how he got there. Thomas gave details of the exact model of the truck used by the firefighters in Manhattan, a Ford Johnson R8. Rachel kept listening to her son because in the family was no firemen and no one who could have given details of what happened in the attacks of 2001. The child spoke with confidence as if it were the firefighter living in that little body after reincarnating, something really incredible.

Another case of a child who claimed to be a firefighter who rescued people during the 9/11 attacks was introduced by a woman who called to a radio station, saying her son started to describe very specific circumstances of that day as soon as he started to talk. The boy even said that he had been able to decide that she was going to be his mother. This is a subject that is not commonly discussed in the United States, being a sensitive matter and very hard to prove.

Other 9/11 Reincarnation Stories

911 Reincarnated children
911 Reincarnated children

Another mother named Lucia said that her 4-year-old had also started describing what happened during that same event on September 11, 2001, but in this case his son claimed to be a worker who died in the tragedy. When shown a photo of the towers he was able to identify the window where he worked and told his mother, “That’s where I worked, Mama”, the awesomeness of this case is that the child says he felt the building fall and even said: “Mom, I’m still buried there.”

These cases give us evidence of the inexplicable and strange phenomena of life after death. These reincarnation cases of September 11 leave more questions than answers, but a lot to say about reincarnation and past lives. Is this possible? Could these people who died tragically be returning to life on other bodies? Should these children keep talking and researching to find out?

Read also:  Do Muslims Believe in Reincarnation?

Video: The Ghost Inside My Child: A Boy Remembers His Past Life

10 responses

  1. Angela Avatar

    I’ve just searched this up as we are watching Home Alone 2 as I write this. I was pointing out the twin towers to my 6yr old daughter and 4 yr old son and telling them what happened to them and my daughter casually replied “Yeah, I was one of the firemen that was in there.” She has never said anything like this before. I haven’t asked anymore about it and will just wait and see if she has anymore to say about it.

  2. Daniel Avatar

    One kid said bad men made those buildings fall down. I wonder if he went into anymore detail about this….

  3. beau simpson Avatar
    beau simpson

    dude this is so creepy yet interesting

  4. Rebirth is well explained in Buddhist literature. This is not to insult any other religion but this is the fundamental for Buddhism. All of us are in a never ending cycle of rebirth and we have to suffer lot due to this. It’s a natural phenomena and weather we like it or not we are already a part of it.

  5. Hy Janet ,please connect me in facebook,I do believe in reincarnation .my Id is oz Raz

  6. Rudrappa agadi. Avatar
    Rudrappa agadi.

    Reincarnation (i.e., coming into flesh again) is almost a real fact now and in the world there are many people who are reborn, just to enjoy, learn, fulfill their unfulfilled ambitions, desires and also just to help their loved ones on this ever troubled earthly life. Many people do not believe because they have not read much about this and also in some religions like Christianity, Doctrine of Reincarnation is removed without much thinking in The Council of Nicaea – 325 AD and also by pugnacious king like Constantine during 550 AD. In the Old testament there is very much mention about reincarnation which is removed in New Testament and even in Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic religions there is mention about Reincarnation/re birth. Unless there is sufficient evidence, men will not believe and the men who die with less Sins and more with Compassion and Help, get early next birth and in such children there will be memory of past life. Many Hindu Saints, who had lot of vision during their Meditation and also about world events, will be knowing about thin phenomena. I am a firm believer in this reincarnation process and there are many books these days, on this issue. It is all God who send such children with memory, to make the earthly life more peaceful, live-able, love-able etc.,

  7. I remember stuff too . . . since I was a kid.

  8. Janet McCracken Avatar
    Janet McCracken

    My son was 3 when we got up early Thanksgiving 2011 to begin cooking dinner. I turned the t.v. on and began to make coffee. The t.v. had commercials on, and my son and I were both watching, waiting for the parade to come on. I had never watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade with my son before, as we had previously lived in a different house which did not have a television in the kitchen. In years past, he would have been in the kitchen with me, sitting in his high chair, or probably still asleep in his crib.
    The commercial break ended, and a quick scene of the city showed on the scene, but the announcers had not yet begun to speak. My son blurted out excitedly, “MAMA! That’s New York City!” I smiled and said, “Really? How do you know what city that is?” He looked at astonished and said, “Don’t tell me you don’t remember what happened!” I said, “What do you mean?” “Mama! Those buildings that fell! I was in them helping people when they fell! I was a fireman. How could you NOT know that?” I replied that I remember buildings falling, but that I did not realize that he had been in them. He calmly replied, “Well, I was.”
    I believe in reincarnation, and have read a lot about children’s comments about their past lives. Therefore, I did not make a big deal about my son’s comments, nor did I ask leading questions in hopes of getting more information. My son did not say anything else regarding his apparent life at the time. However, by spring, he had asked for a fire fighter costume he had seen in a catalougue. When he got it, he never took it off except to go to school and to sleep.
    I once took him to a local fire station. A fireman there was very happy to show us around. The fireman asked my son if he would like to get inside the truck. My son said yes, so the fireman picked him up and put him in the driver’s seat. Before the man could do anything else, my son had put the headphones on, and began to reach for switches that would have turned on the lights and sirens had my son been able to reach them. The fireman laughed and said, “I guess his dad is a fireman?” But his expression changed to shock when I told him that no one we had ever known was a fireman, and also that this was my son’s very first time in afire truck. After my son got down from inside, the fireman tried to tell my son where things were located on the truck, but my son already knew all of it: where the shovels were, what various cabinets held before they were opened, and even what truck was for what purpose. I admit that I was freaked out as well. The firemen of that station invited him back several times, even to wash the trucks, and each man that met my son was equally impressed with my son’s knowledge of equipment and procedures that he had never been shown nor seen somewhere in this lifetime.
    My son continued to wear the fireman outfits (he outgrew several) even to the pool in the summer (he would change once he was there) until he was 7.

    1. Wow! This is amazing.
      You should know that most or a lot of the time children pick their parents too when it is time to reincarnate, sometimes god chooses and they are “assigned”. Anyway I think it’s not by chance he ended up in your family for his next life. <3

  9. Diane Nichols Avatar
    Diane Nichols

    I’m glad that the parents are honoring and respecting these children enough to actually listen to them and hear their stories. Blessings.